
Monday, June 30, 2014

The forms of the energy and their changes

The forms of energy

If you  look around you , You will notice that every thing needs the energy to do their functions . You need food to obtain the energy that helps you to work ,  move , play , .....etc .


Your car needs the fuel to obtain the energy that causes the motion of its engines . 


 Do you know what is the meaning of the energy ?


You should know that the Energy is the ability to do work .


The forms of the energy 


  • There is a potential energy stored in the spring of the toy car .

    forms of energy
    The kinds  of  the energy .

  • You should know that there is a kinetic energy produced by the electric fan and the washing machine .

    The energy
    There are several forms of the energy .

  • There is a light energy produced by the electric lamp or the Sun .


  • There is a heat energy produced by the heater .

    forms of energy
    The energies are used by  the different devices .

  • There is an electric energy produced by the dry cell ( battery ) and the solar cells .


  • There is a chemical energy stored in the battery .


  • There is a sound energy produced by the piano and the radio .

    The piano
    The piano produces a sound energy .

Examples of some changes of the energy 

Some changes of energy
Some changes of energy .

You  noticed that the potential energy changes into the kinetic energy as in the spring of the children toys .


The kinetic energy can change into the sound energy as in the violin , the guitar , and when you knock on the door .


The kinetic energy change into the heat energy , When you rub your hands , when you hammer on a piece of iron , and when you remove a nail from a piece of wood .


The kinetic energy changes into the electric energy as in the dynamo .


The electric energy changes into the light energy as in the electric lamp , where it light , when the electric current pass through it .


The electric energy  changes into the kinetic energy as in the electric fan , the electric motor and the washing machine .

The fan
In the fan , The electric energy changes into the kinetic energy .

The electric energy changes into the sound energy as in the recorder or the radio .


The light energy change into the heat energy as in the solar heater . 


The light energy changes into the electric energy as in the solar cells .


You should know that The chemical energy changes into the electric energy as in the battery .


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