
Friday, June 13, 2014

What is the importance of the Sun ( solar energy ) ?

The Sun
The Sun is very important in our life .

Do you see the Sun in the sky in the morning everyday ?


Do you know the importance of the Sun ?


Everybody know that the Sun is the main source of the  energy on Earth .


Look at the Sun , and you must know that the solar energy is the cleanest form of the energy .


The benefits of the solar energy 


  1. The Sun is very important in the plants growth . The Sun helps the plants to make their own food by the photosynthesis process .



  2. The Sun is very necessary for the other living organisms that it provides us with light for the vision and to do our work .


    The Sun provides us with the heat to warm our bodies . 


    The ٍSun provides some animals and humans ( that feed on plants ) with food as it helps the plants to make its own food by the photosynthesis process .


  3. The Sun is used in heating water and warming houses  by the solar heater which changes the solar energy of the Sun into the  heat energy . The heat energy is used in warming houses and heating water .

    The solar heater
    The solar heater changes the solar energy of the Sun into the heat energy .


  4. The Sun is very important in the formation of the clouds , the rain and the winds .


    When the Sun evaporates the water in the seas , the lakes and the oceans ,  the water vapour is formed . and the clouds are formed  When the water vapour rises in the sky , it cools and condenses forming the clouds .

    The formation of the clouds
    The formation of the clouds and the rain  .

    The Sun's heat causes the difference in the temperature in some areas , So the winds are formed .


    The clouds move by the effect of the winds and when the volume of the water drops in the clouds increase and the air can not carry them , So the rain falls .


  5. The Sun is very important in the formation of the petroleum oil and the coal . It is one of the main factors in the formation of the fuel .

    The petroleum oil
    The Sun is very important in the formation of the petroleum oil and the coal .


  6. The Sun helps in the formation of fuel to operate the machines . 


  7. It is advisable to expose the children to the Sun rays for suitable periods of time as the Sun emits  ultraviolet rays that help in the formation of vitamin " D " that is necessary for the bones growth .


  8. The Sun is used  to generate electricity by the windmills .


    The windmills change the wind energy into the electric energy . 


    The wind that is produced by the Sun is used in rotating the windmills which are used to operate the generators ( dynamo ) to generate the electricity . 


    The windmills
    The windmills are used to generate the electricity .

    You should know that the Sun is used to generate the electricity by the solar cells and the windmills .

    The solar cells
    The solar cells are used to generate the electricity .

    The solar cells change the solar energy into the  electric energy . 


So , We can not live on Earth without the Sun .


  1. Hey! great article. very helpful. The information is very well written and very well explained. Thank you for sharing. Solar inverters South Africa

  2. You are welcome
    thank you for your comment
