
Thursday, July 24, 2014

The erosion of the ozone layer and the protection from the ozone layer pollutants

The ozone layer

The erosion of the ozone layer


The ozone hole is a thinning or losing parts of the ozone layer above the south pole .

You should know that the scientists have noticed that there was the erosion of the ozone layer above the South Pole , Since 1978 , And it is known as the ozone hole .

It increases in September each year , Because all the pollutants assemble as black clouds , and they are pushed by the wind towards the South Pole to increase the ozone depletion from year to year .


The most dangerous pollutants of the ozone layer

The ozone layer
The most dangerous pollutants of the ozone layer .

Chlorofluorocarbon compounds which known as Freon , And it is used as a cooling substance in the air conditioning sets , It is used as a Propellant substance in aerosols , It is used as a flating substance in making the foam backing , And It is used as solvent substance for cleaning the electric circuits slides .

Erosion of the ozone layer
The effect of the chlorofluorocarbon compounds on the ozone layer .

Halons which used in the fire extinguishers .


Nitrogen oxides that are produced from the burning of the fuel of the ultrasound airplanes ( Concorde ) .


Methyl bromide gas that is used as an insecticide to preserve the stored agricultural crops .

Erosion of the ozone layer
The steps of the erosion of the ozone layer .

How to Protect the ozone layer ?


The ozone layer
The erosion of the ozone layer continues because of the pollutants .

You should know that there was an international conference in Canada , It was held in 1987 to discuss how to protect the ozone layer which is known as Montreal Protocol , and they reached a group of the recommendations , It was signed by 191 nations  . 


Some of these recommendations is to reduce the using of the chlorofluorocarbon compounds and we must find the safer alternatives , And we must stop producing the ultrasound concorde planes as  their exhausts affect the ozone layer .


You should know that Montreal Protocol has been modified in London in 1990 in a way  that all the nations must ban  production or handling the chlorofluorocarbon compounds .


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