
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The types and the properties of the soil

The soil types
The types of the soil are the sand soil , the silt soil and the clay soil .

You can see the soil around you , and you will notice the different crops which are planted in the different types of the soil .


What are the types of the soil ?


You should know that the soil can be classified into three different types according to the kind of the particles ( the components ) that form it .


The types of the soil are the sand soil , the silt soil and the clay soil


The sand soil

The sand soil
The sand soil colour is yellow .

You should know that the sand soil is the soil that rarely contains humus , and It composed mainly of the sand particles , a small amount of the clay and the silt . 


The sand soil is called by this name as it is composed mainly of the sand particles . 

The sand soil
The sand soil is weakly compacted .

The sand soil properties 


  • The fertility of the sand soil is low .


  • It is well aerated soil that has low absorption of the water . 


  • The size of its particles is large .


  • The colour of the sand soil is yellow .


  • It is weekly composed ( loose ) .


  • It has the fastest and the greatest drainage of the water .


The silt soil

The silt soil
The silt soil fertility is high .

You should know that the silt soil is the soil that contains more humus , and it composed of a mixture of the equal amounts of the sand , the grave , the silt  and the clay .


The silt soil properties


  • The colour of the silt soil is grey .


  • The size of its particles is medium ( between the sand soil particles and the clay soil particles .


  • It is moderately aerated  soil that has medium absorption of the water .


  • It is moderately compacted .


  • It has high fertility .


  • It has the medium drainage of the water .


The clay soil

The clay soil
The clay soil colour is black .

You should know that the clay soil  composed mainly of the clay and the silt particles , and a small amount of the sand and the humus .


The clay soil is called by this name as it is composed mainly of the clay and the silt particles .


The clay soil properties 


  • The colour of the clay soil is dark ( black ) .


  • The size of its particles is small .


  • It is fertile .


  • It has highly compacted ( hard ) .


  • It is poorly aerated soil that has high absorption of the water .


  • It has the lowest drainage of the water .

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