
Saturday, August 9, 2014

The water pollutants and the protection of the water from the pollution

The water pollution

The water pollution 


It is very important to know that the water pollution is the addition of any substance to the water which causes continuous gradual change in the water properties and affects the health and the life of the living creatures .


You should know that drinking water does not depend on its colour or its odour only , but it depends on the lab analysis according to the standard that are put by " the World Health Organization " which is a guide for the different countries . 

The water pollution
The causes of the water pollution .

The water pollutants 


You should know that the water pollutants can be divided into the natural pollutants and the artificial pollutants .


The natural water pollutants 


You know that the natural water pollutants arise from the natural phenomena such as the death of the living creatures , the volcanic eruption , and the lightning accompanying the thunder storms .


The artificial water pollutants 


You should know that the artificial water pollutants arise from the different human activities , And they are classified into 4 classes :


  • The biological pollution : It is due to mixing the animals and the humans wastes with the water , And it causes the infection by many diseases such as Belharzia , Typhoid and Hepatitis .

The biological pollution
Mixing the animals wastes with the water causes the infection by many diseases .

  • The thermal  pollution : It is because of increasing the temperature of some water areas which used in cooling the nuclear reactors  , And it causes the death of the marine creatures due to the separation of the dissolved oxygen from the water .


  • The chemical pollution : It is due to discharging the factories residues and the sewage in the seas , the rivers and the canals . And it causes the increase of some elements concentration which cause great harms such as increasing the mercury concentration in the drinking water which causes the blindness , increasing the arsenic concentration which increases the infection rate by the liver cancer , And when eating fish which contain the high concentration of lead it causes the death of the brain cells .


    The factory wastes
    The  wastes of the factories causes the water pollution .

  • The radiant pollution  : It is due to dumping the atomic wastes in the oceans and the sea , and the leakage of the radioactive materials from the nuclear reactors .  it causes the increase of cancer , And causes the genetic mutations which are occurred and lead to an imbalance behaviour of the marine organisms and their biological functions .

The radiant pollution
The radiant pollution causes the death of the marine creatures .

  The protection of the water from the pollution


We should not getting rid of the sewage , the wastes of the factories and the dead animals in the rivers or the canals .

The chemical pollution
Discharging the sewage in the rivers and the canals causes the water pollution .

We should not store the tap water in  the empty plastic bottles , Because the plastic reacts with chlorine gas which is used as water disinfectant , And leading to the increase in the infection rates by cancer .


We must spread the environmental awareness among people to protect the water from the pollution .


The stations of the water purification should do a periodical analysis to the water which used in drinking .

The  water purification station
The water purification station .

We should disinfect the drinking water tanks which are found on the roofs of the buildings in a periodical manner .

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