
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The effect of the extinction on the ecological equilibrium

It is very important to know that the Ecosystem is everything that related to the living and non-living things existing somewhere , for example the forest , the desert and the sea . In any ecosystem .

You should know that there is a series of the reactions happening among its individuals and each living organism has a role in transferring the energy throughout the food chain .


You know that when an organism disappears , its role stops , affecting the rest of the members of the food chain , So the system remains balanced unless one of its members is absent .

Food chain
The food chain

It is very important to know that the food chain is a path of the energy that transmits from a living organism to another in the ecosystem .


You should know that the extinction of the species or a group of the species in a balanced ecosystem causes a cavity in the path of the energy in the ecosystem that would disturb the ecosystem equilibrium or destroy it .


It is very important to know that the ecosystem is classified according to the degree of the effect of the extinction on it into the simple ecosystem and the complicated ecosystem .


The simple ecosystem

The desert
The desert is an example of the simple ecosystem .

It is very important to know that the simple ecosystem is an ecosystem that has a few members of the living organisms and it is severely affected by the absence of one of its species , because of the rarity of the alternative that compensates this absence . The desert is an example of the simple ecosystem .


The complicated ecosystem 

Tropical forest
Tropical forest is an example of the complicated ecosystem .

It is very important to know that the complicated ecosystem is an ecosystem that has multiple members and it is not affected much by the absence of one its species , because it has many alternatives . The tropical forest is an example of the complicated ecosystem .

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