
Sunday, October 12, 2014

The classification of the arthropods according to the number of the legs

The arthropods

It is very important to know that the arthropods are the invertebrate animals that are characterized by the presence of the jointed legs .


You should know that the arthropods are classified according to the number of the legs into the insects , the arachnids and the myriapods .

The insects

It is very important to know that the insects are characterized by the presence of three pairs of the jointed legs . 


You should know that the insects such as the ants , the locusts , the bees , the flies and the cockroaches .

The bee
The bee has three pairs of jointed legs .

 The arachnids

It is very important to know that the arachnids are characterized by the presence of the four pairs of the jointed legs .


You should know that the arachnids such as the spiders and the scorpions .

The scorpions
The scorpion has four pairs of jointed legs .

The myriapods

It is very important to know that the myriapods are characterized by the presence of the numerous legs .


You should know that the myriapods such as the scolopendra and the julius .

The scolopendra
The scolopendra has forty four legs .

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