
Monday, May 25, 2015

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Facebook ?

Facebook advantages 

Facebook advantages

It is very clear that Facebook allows you to share with others what you desire to share , You are able to share your pictures , videos , and  you can control the information that you want to share with , and similarly other people share their information with you .


Everyone must know that It helps you connect to different people from anywhere in the world , So , You can increase your information  about the  culture the customs , and the traditions  of the countries in the world , And it helps you to keep the long distance relationships alive . 


You must understand that Facebook Fan pages and groups get popular these days , You can use them for the promotional activities , There is a very customisable ads placement service in Facebook , which is also very easy to use and cheap .


It is very important to know that you can use Facebook Ads and Fans page that help you advertise your business , They can target many people of the specific age , geographic location , interests , making your ads most useful and effective . 


Everybody must know that it helps you search for numerous friends , it allows the members to check the  students who are in the same class , Who live within the same area , and who come from the same academy.


Everyone must know that it makes it easier to join the groups having the similar likes and dislikes , it helped you to create a personal brand for many individuals and for businesses , It’s the main source of entertainment for people , It is a global social networking site available in various languages .


Everyone should understand that when you use Facebook translation feature , you can connect with Facebook users from different countries and with people who speaks the different languages    .

Everyone should know that it helps you send the messages , It allows you to start a video call , and you can upload the photos and the videos without charge , It is free , And it is one of the best websites for communication between people .

Facebook Marketing
Facebook Marketing

You must know that Facebook keep strict watch on the  spammer ,  you can block the spammer or hide post of spammer or you can report them to Facebook  , It  has good privacy settings That allow you to choose your desired level of privacy .


It is very necessary to understand that  Facebook security  provides very highly security about the users account , and it provides very secure service with very high class privacy policies .


It is very clear that you can use Facebook as a social bookmarking website therefore you can share your blogs , articles , videos to millions of people  , And you can use Facebook as news and information source .


Everybody must understand that you can play the different games with your friends as  Facebook provides app store and free gaming facilities , you can bring everything inside Facebook world by Facebook like button that help you to keep in touch to the users to every website .


Disadvantages of Facebook


It is very clear that Facebook is  addicting , It wastes your valuable time , the people have a lot work to do , the students must study their lessons , Facebook brings bad effects on the students result as they waste their time when they spend a lot of time in sharing the photos , the videos , and they spend a lot of time in sending the messages .


Do you know that anyone can create the fake profiles , And people often use them to insult or harass someone who they don’t like  ? You should be careful about fake Facebook profiles as they are usually created by the spammers .


It is very necessary to know that there are many groups and Fan pages  which are  created to abuse or violate other religion , the personalities , the nation , where these disgusting activities decreasing some popularity of Facebook .

Facebook disadvantages

Everybody must know that many people can get your personal information by using Facebook , Many unknown people can track your activities and where you are going , So ,  you can face many troubles . 


Everyone must know that some people can access and download many pornographic photos , videos on Facebook , It is very dangerous for the children and the teenagers , So , it has bad effects in the marital and the social lives of adults .


It is very important to know that the virus attacks threaten the systems of many people , The virus programs are inconspicuous and may get activated if you click a seemingly harmless link , And the computers may be crashed .

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