
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Examples and some technological applications of electromagnetic waves

Electromagnetic waves
Light , microwaves , x - rays , TV and radio transmissions are all kinds of electromagnetic waves .

Electromagnetic waves are formed when an electric field couples with a magnetic field . The magnetic and electric fields of an electromagnetic waves are perpendicular to each other and to the direction of the wave .


Mechanical waves and Electromagnetic waves  cause wave motion .


Electromagnetic waves are characterized by :

  • They are accompanied with electromagnetic forces . 


  • Their speed is extremely high ( speed of light is about 300 millions m/s ) .


  • No medium is required for the Electromagnetic waves to travel through , They can  travel through free space .


Examples of electromagnetic waves :


  •  Gamma rays

  • Light waves 

  • Wireless waves . ( which are used in communications ) 

  • X - rays .

  • Ultraviolet and infrared rays ( accompanied by Sun  rays ).

  • Radio and television waves .

     Examples of electromagnetic waves
    Ultraviolet rays . x - rays and gamma rays are used in medical purposes .

    Electromagnetic waves
    The speed of electromagnetic waves are extremely high .

    Technological applications of electromagnetic waves . 


    Ultraviolet ( UV ) rays :  They have the property of killing microbes , so they are used to sterilize the sets of surgical operations rooms .

    Ultraviolet rays
    Ultraviolet  rays are rays comes from the Sun .

    X - rays :  They are very important In photographing bones for detecting bone fractures .


    Do you know that x - rays are used in examining mineral raws in industry and showing errors , pores and cracks in these minerals ?

    X - rays
    X - rays are used in photographing bones for detecting bone fractures .

    Gamma rays : They are used In medical purposes as the treatment and discovering of some swellings ( tumors ) .

    Gamma rays
    Gamma rays kills bacteria in food .

    Visible ( seen ) light : They are used In photographing cameras .


     They are very important in  television cameras .


     They are used in light shows ( data show ) .

    Visible light
    Visible light is used in light shows .

    Infrared ( IR ) rays : They are used in night vision apparatus used by modern military forces .


    They are very important in remote sensing instrument to photograph Earth's surface using satellites .


    Also they are used in cooking food because these rays have heat effect property and they are used in making remote sets to control and start electric sets ( TV , DVD , air conditioner  .... ) .

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