
Monday, May 26, 2014

Mechanical waves and some technological applications of sound mechanical waves

Wave motion

Do you know that Mechanical waves  are waves which propagate through a material medium ( solid , liquid , or gas ) at a wave speed which depends on the  properties of that medium ?


Do you know that Mechanical waves needs a medium to travel through , They do not travel through free space ( vacuum ) ?


The mechanical waves are characterized by :

  1. The vibration of the medium  particles produce mechanical waves.


  2. Their speed is relatively low ( speed of sound is about 340 m/s ) .


  3. They need a medium ( such as liquids , gases and solids ) to transfer through .

    Ultrasonic waves
    Ultrasonic waves are used in SONAR  .

Examples of the mechanical waves :


  1. Sound waves .

    sound waves
    sound waves are type of mechanical wave .


  2. Water waves .

    water waves
    Water waves  .

    Applications of sound mechanical waves :


  •  Sound waves ( ultrasonic waves ) are used in examining and curing sets for the human body .

    Ultrasonic waves
    Ultrasonic waves 


  • Musical instruments : 


    Stringed musical instruments ( contain strings )  such as Violin , Lute and Guitar . 


    Sound waves are very important in Pneumatic musical instruments such as Flute or reed pipe .


  • Sound waves are used in amplifiers and sets of distributing and controlling sound used in broadcasting studios .


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