
Monday, June 30, 2014

The forms of the energy and their changes

The forms of energy

If you  look around you , You will notice that every thing needs the energy to do their functions . You need food to obtain the energy that helps you to work ,  move , play , .....etc .


Your car needs the fuel to obtain the energy that causes the motion of its engines . 


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The advantage and the disadvantage of friction and the ways to decrease the friction

The friction force
The friction force helps us to walk  .

Do you know what is the meaning of the friction ?


You should know that the friction force is the force exists between  the two  surfaces when they touch each other and it affects in the opposite direction of the movement . 


Sunday, June 15, 2014

The soil pollution and the soil protection from pollution

The pollution is very dangerous , and you should know that there are different kinds of pollution as the air pollution , the water pollution and  the soil pollution , The pollution is any change in the environment that disturbs its natural balance .

Saturday, June 14, 2014

The sources of energy and their importance

We have known that the Sun is the main source of energy , and it is very important in our life .


But you should know that there are resources of energy which are the renewable sources of energy and the non renewable sources of energy


Friday, June 13, 2014

What is the importance of the Sun ( solar energy ) ?

The Sun
The Sun is very important in our life .

Do you see the Sun in the sky in the morning everyday ?


Do you know the importance of the Sun ?


Everybody know that the Sun is the main source of the  energy on Earth .


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The types of the levers and the importance of each of them

The levers


People use the levers but they do not know the type of them and how to determine the type of any lever .


Do you know that the levers are classified according to the location of the effort force , the resistance force and the fulcrum ?


Sunday, June 8, 2014

The structure and the importance of the levers

the lever
The levers are very important in our life to perform tasks more easily .

The levers are the most common simple machines which they help man to perform heavy tasks easily . They were first described in 260 B.C .


Saturday, June 7, 2014

Observing the space and the invention of Telescopes

Galileo's telescope
Galileo used lenses to collect light in his telescope .

Who was the first scientist who made astronomical telescope ?


" Galileo " was the first scientist who made an astronomical telescope in 1609 . It was made from lenses to collect light in his telescope . 


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Uses of fluorescent lamps and their structure


the fluorescent lamps
fluorescent lamps are used in lighting houses and shops .

There are different types of electric lamps , but the most popular of these lamps are  Fluorescent lamps and light bulbs   .


Fluorescent lamps are type of lighting lamps known as neon lamps , but the inert neon gas is not used inside its glass tube .


Sunday, June 1, 2014

Uses of light bulbs and their structure

light bulbs are used in lighting houses
Light bulbs ate used in lighting houses .

Electric lamps are tools that convert the electric energy into light energy by passing the electricity through them .


There are different types of electric lamps , but the most popular of these lamps are light bulbs and fluorescent lamps .