
Friday, July 4, 2014

The movement of the Sun and the Earth

Look at the sky , and you will notice that the Sun rises from the east and sets from the west .


You should know that the sunrise and the sunset do not occur due to the rotation of the Sun , but it occurs due to the rotation of the Earth around itself ( its axis ) .


This phenomenon is called the apparent movement of the Sun , where it takes different apparent orbit from the  east to the west .


You should know that the movement of the shadow of the fixed bodies is due to the apparent movement of the Sun .


The rotation of the Earth

The Earth
The Earth's axis is inclined and causes the difference in length of the day and the night .

You should know that the Earth is one of the planets , where we can live because it contains the air , the food and the water .


Do you know that the Earth consists of two hemispheres ( northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere ) ?


You should know that the Earth rotates around itself , and rotates around the Sun .


The  Earth's rotation around itself 

The Earth
The Earth completes one round around its axis in 24 hours .

You should know that the Earth rotates around its inclined axis ( itself ) once every 24 hours ( one day ) . and The side ( hemisphere ) of the Earth that faces the Sun during this rotation becomes bright or day , While its other  side becomes dark or night .


You should know that the rotation of the Earth around its axis causes the sequence of the day and the night .


The Earth's rotation around the Sun 

The Earth and the Sun
 The sequence of the four seasons is caused by the Earth's rotation around the Sun .

You  should know that the Earth revolves around the Sun once every 365 and quarter days ( one year ).


The rotation of tha Earth around the Sun
The Earth completes one round around the Sun in 365 and quarter days .

You should know that the rotation of the Earth around the Sun causes the sequence of the four seasons ( the summer - the spring - the autumn - the winter ) .


The sequence of the four seasons
The sequence of the four seasons .

You should know that the Earth's axis is inclined and this causes the difference in the length of the day and the night .


You  notice that the day is longer than the night in the summer season .


You notice that the night is longer than the day , in the winter season .


And you should know that the hours of the day  equals the hours of the night , In the spring or the autumn . 


You should know that the day in the summer season is longer than the day in the winter season , Because the apparent orbit of the Sun ( the rotation of the Earth  around its axis ) during the summer is longer than during the winter .

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