
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The weather factors and the importance of the weather prediction

What is the meaning of the weather ?


You should know that the weather is the expected conditions of the atmosphere at a certain area during a short period of time , not exceeding one week .


Every day , You can know the weather news through the weather forecast .


You should know that the weather forecast includes the weather factors which are : The temperature , The winds , The atmospheric pressurethe clouds and the rain .


The temperature 

The temperature
The digital thermometer is used to measure the temperature .

The temperature can be measured by the mercuric thermometer , and the digital thermometer .

The temperature
The Mercuric thermometer is used to measure the temperature .

here is a maximum temperature which is the temperature expected during the daytime  .


And there is a minimum temperature which is the temperature expected at the night . 


The atmospheric pressure


You know that there are regions which have high atmospheric pressure and there are others that have low atmospheric pressure .


You can measure the atmospheric pressure by the  barometer .  

The atmospheric pressure
The barometer is used to measure the pressure .

The winds


You should know that the wind is the movement of the air from the regions of the high atmospheric pressure to the regions of the low atmospheric pressure . 

The wind
The wind speed is measured by the anemometer .

The rise of the sea waves is caused by the wind speed . The  wind direction is determined by the wind vane , and the wind speed is measured by the anemometer .

The wind
The wind vane is used to determine the wind direction .

The clouds and the rain


When you look at the sky , You notice that the clouds increase in the coastal regions , and the sky is clear in the desert regions .


The clouds are formed when the water in the seas , the lakes and the oceans evaporates by the effect of the sun rays to form the water vapour . which rises in the sky , then it cooled and condensed to form the clouds . 


The rain are formed when the clouds move by the effect of the winds , and the volume of the water drops in the clouds increases , then the air can not carry them , So the rains fall .


The importance of the weather prediction 


People should follow the weather forecast as it gives them the prediction of the temperature ,  the pressure , the rain , the winds and the clouds .


  1. People must wear the heavy clothes , when the weather forecast predicts that the  temperature will be low .


  2. If it predicts that the wind will be strong and the sea waves will be high , So the ships and the fishing boats should not sail during this time .


  3. If it predicts that the morning is foggy , So car drivers should slow down to avoid the accidents .


  4. If it predicts that the rains will fall , So people must wear raincoats and use the umbrellas . and  the farmers should know the best time for irrigation .


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