
Monday, August 24, 2015

The advantages and disadvantages of Antivirus software

Advantages of antivirus software 

Antivirus software
Antivirus software
You should know that when the antivirus program detects the infected file or the program , it can delete it or move it , If your antivirus quarantines a file , it will prevent it from interacting with the rest of the computer .

Everyone should know that  the viruses are the most well known computer attackers , and they can do all sorts of damage , There are lots of viruses that have the ability to compromise PCs in different ways .

You must know that  that the hackers are creating trickier and trickier viruses every day , Some viruses pretend to be bogus anti-virus software , Some viruses come in email messages that are ostensibly from a friend , albeit that friend was an unknowing and unwilling sender . 
You should know that some spyware is so sophisticated that it can record and save data in the real time , As you enter your credit card number to pay for your purchase , The spyware records and saves your payment information , and it transfers your personal and sensitive data to its designer hacker in a remote location .

Do you know that the scanner will search all files in the memory , in the boot sector , and on the disk for code snippets that will identify the file as a virus , To prevent the false alarms  , Most scanners will check the code of a suspected file against the virus code or the checksum of it , It is implemented in all major anti-virus software packages ?

Everyone must know that the scanners can find the viruses that haven't executed yet , This is very important for e-mail worms  which can spread themselves rapidly if not stopped .

It is very important to know that the integrity checker records the integrity information about the important files on the disk , usually by check summing , few virus checkers today utilize it .

Antivirus software
Antivirus software

You should know that the integrity checking is the only way to determine if the virus has damaged the file , Most integrity checkers today have the benefit of detecting other damage to the data such as the corruption , and it can restore that as well .

Everybody should know that Anti-virus software makers develop a set of rules to distinguish the viruses from non-viruses , The program or the code segment should follow these rules , So , it is marked the virus and deal with  it accordingly .

You should understand that the interception software detects virus-like behavior and warns the user about it , Interception is a good method to stop logic bombs and  Trojan horses , When it is not detected by scanners , The interception software will  detect the destructive events caused by logic bombs and Trojan horses .

Antivirus software
Antivirus software
You must know that if there is not the antivirus program on the computer , you can not scan the files as they enter your computer , And you can not scan the programs as they become active  .

Do you know that you can avoid getting infected by the malware in the peripheral devices like USB sticks , installing a firewall will prevent the intrusions by the malicious hackers ?
You must know that  when there is not an antivirus application that secure your system , you will run into the viruses that can use your machine as a relay for other forms of malware , you could inadvertently send the viruses to your family and friends in your contact lists if your computer is infected .

Antivirus software disadvantages

Antivirus software
Antivirus software
You should know that the firewall is the program that blocks the hackers ,The viruses and the spyware from getting into your computer from the Internet , You can use the hardware like the router to reinforce the firewall especially if you use more than one personal computer to access the Internet , or you have a small network of the computers .

You should know that if Anti-virus is using a string to detect the virus , all the virus writers would have to modify the string to develop the new virus , The  scanning process will cause delay in the network service for the employee users .
You must know that the main problem with integrity checking is that there are not enough companies that offer comprehensive integrity checking software , The integrity checkers will not be able to differentiate between the damage done by the corruption and the damage done by the virus , So , giving the user unclear information to what's going on .

You must know that the virus writers can write the viruses , making the current set of virus detection rules obsolete , The interceptors aren't very good at detecting anything ,  It can not detect the viruses before they launch , and a lot of damage have been done because of the nature of the interceptor .

1 comment:

  1. Using AVG protection for a couple of years, I'd recommend this Anti-virus to everyone.
