
Sunday, August 30, 2015

The nuclear power plants advantages and disadvantages

The nuclear power advantages

The nuclear power plants
The nuclear power plants
You should know that the nuclear energy is used to produce the electricity , The heat generated from the splitting of uranium atoms in a process known as fission is used to produce the steam , This steam in turn powers the turbines which are used to produce the electricity that supplies the surrounding community .

You should know that the nuclear energy is the most concentrated form of energy where a lot of energy is produced from a small mass of fuel ,  This reduces the transport costs ,  The nuclear power does not depend on the weather , And it is a suitable method of producing the electricity .

It is very important to know that the cost of uranium which is used as a fuel in generating the electricity is quite low , The costs of setting up the nuclear power plants is relatively high , the nuclear power plants has low fuel cost , And the energy resulted from the nuclear power is easy to transport .

You should know that this energy has a continuous supply , It is widely available , It has huge reserves  , The oil and natural gas are limited and are expected to vanish soon , Using the nuclear energy  is very powerful and efficient than other alternative energy sources .

Everyone should know that the nuclear power plants has low fuel cost as it requires little amount of uranium to produce the energy , When the nuclear reaction happens , The nuclear power releases more energy as compared to the traditional sources of energy by million times .

The nuclear power plants
The nuclear power
You should know that the nuclear energy is one of the main sources of electricity throughout the nation , So , You should set up the nuclear power plants and use the nuclear energy in place of the conventional energy  .

You should know that the nuclear power is environmentally friendly and clean , In the world that faces the global warming they suggest that increasing the use of the nuclear power is the only way of protecting our environment and to avoid the catastrophic climate change .

You should know that the nuclear power does not depends on the natural aspects , It's a solutions for the main disadvantage of the renewable energy such as the solar energy as the hours of the sun or the wind do not coincide with the hours with more energy demand .

Everyone must know that  the nuclear power is an alternative to the fossil fuels , so the fuel consumption  such as the coal or the oil is reduced , The coal reduction and the oil consumption benefits the situation of the global warming and the global climate change .

The nuclear power disadvantages

The nuclear power plants
The nuclear power plants

It is popular that the possible type of reactor disaster is known as the meltdown , The  atom fission reaction goes out of control which leads to the nuclear explosion releasing great amounts of radioactive particles into the environment .

You should know that the nuclear power plants cause the water pollution , The  radioactive products must be removed ,  the storage of it could lead to the contamination through leaks or containment failures  .

You should know that if the safety systems in the nuclear reactors are properly installed and maintained , they will function adequately , If they are not maintained , They will have structural flaws or they will improperly installed .

It is very important to know that the nuclear reactor could release the harmful amounts of radiation , And it is difficult to manage the nuclear waste , The waste from the nuclear energy is very dangerous , And it is very difficult to eliminate its radioactivity and risks  .

Everyone should know that the main countries producing the nuclear energy could maintain a regular number of operating reactors , The nuclear plants have a limited life , And the investment for the construction of a nuclear plant is very high , so it raises the cost of electricity generated  .

It is very important to know that despite a generally high security standard , The accidents can still happen , It is technically impossible to build a plant with 100% security ,  The nuclear power plants are the main target to the terrorist organizations , The nuclear power plants generate external dependence .

Do you know that during the operation of the nuclear power plants , The radioactive waste is produced that  in turn can be used for the production of the nuclear weapons ?

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